I know, change is tough.
Especially when it comes to our hair.
It's even tougher when you have super resistant white or gray hair. You've been taught for a bazillion years that in order for the color to work it has to process for 45 minutes, or LONGER!!

We don't have time for that anymore!
The last 18 months has taught us a lot about ourselves.
Who we want to be, where we want to be, who we want to be with and what's most important to us.
We don't want to waste time.
Even though being in the salon can be relaxing, I know in mine it is, for the busy professional or every day woman, sitting there every 4 weeks for a couple hours to get our gray touched up can get old, quick.
Here are my top 3 reasons Express Color is for you
You hate sitting for a long time. Girl, you are my in my head! After about 5 minutes I am ready to jump out of the chair and run a marathon.
You can only squeeze in some "me" time on your lunch break. I got you. You can get your gray covered, a deep conditioning treatment, and a blow out in around 1 hour! Bring your lunch, I won't judge, we all gotta eat!!
You want healthy, shiny, youthful hair. This Express Color makes your hair feel better after then it did before! It helps to tame the wild side of your gray hair.
Still wondering if Express color is for you?
Book yourself a consultation and I will help you decide.