Depends on how much of your gray you want to see...
If you want to be able to go longer then 6 weeks between appointments and don't mind seeing some of your gray after being colored then gray blending is for you!!
Gray blending is done using foils.
Each foil will have a lowlight or highlight inside.
Highlight means a lighter color.
Lowlight means a darker color.
With gray blending, I can completely customize the placement.

Hair does not gray evenly. There are patches of solid gray and patches of dark all over your head.
I will add highlights where your hair is dark and lowlights where it is light.
Customized color will create a blended look between your gray hair and the colors we decide to add.
I reccomend using 2 to 3 colors in your hair. It gives the most natural, blended effect allowing you to go 8 or more weeks between visits with me!
Does this sound good to you?